Fundamentals of SoulCollage®
(Facilitator training pre-requisite)
Via Zoom over 3 sessions
9am - 1pm (AEST)
Saturday 28th July
Sunday 29th July
Saturday 3rd August
This course is 12 hours over 3 classes
$185 AUD
Key Topics
Principles of SoulCollage®
The Four Suits: Community, Council, Companion, and Committee
The Local Story and the Larger Story
Fundamental Concepts
One and Many
Each card houses a single energy
The card speaks in the first person
The Transpersonal Cards: Source, Witness, and SoulEssence
Key Activities
Making cards and giving them voice with the "I Am One Who..." Exercise.
Beginning experience of consulting with one's deck.
No experience necessary and also good as a refresher for those with experience.
You will need your own materials including the following:
Blank SoulCollage® Cards (about 10 - 15 cards)
SoulCollage® sleeves (optional)
SoulCollage® Frame
Magazines and images
Scissors and scalpel
Pen and journal
Snacks, drinks and refreshments
You will also need the provided notes (PDF) printed or available to view on another device.
NOTE: This workshop is a prerequisite for the Facilitator Training.

Bronwyn's commitment to her own healing journey brings a depth to what she is offering in the SoulCollage® workshops.
I have attended a few of Bronwyn’s workshops and I have always found them to offer a deep dive into my inner world. A truly sacred space with others.
- Zoom workshop participant

"Thank you Bronwyn for providing a safe space to share my soul.
You lead us gently through making our Soul Collage and then what a surprise. I didn’t know the the depth I would go with one card. Through my card I was able to get unstuck and find the words I needed to use. SoulCollage® is gentle, creative and deep." - Cait
How does the course work over Zoom?
Bronwyn will explain the concepts, showing her own cards and giving personal examples and experiences. She brings in beautiful quotes and inspiring poems to help to expand and explain the concepts and open up your inspiration.
Two cameras are used so you have a clear view of Bronwyn when she is speaking with you, and also a clear view of the practical aspects of card making.
The workshop is experiential and you will have plenty of time to make your own cards at your own pace with Bronwyn available on your screen for you to ask questions of and seek individual guidance.
Break out rooms are used for you to meet the other participants, feel part of the community and to share in a safe and supportive environment.
You will gain ideas, inspiration and enthusiasm for the process through listening to the other participants ideas. You are supported to share as much or as little as you feel is right for you.
The course will keep you engaged and inspired... it's much more than just sitting and listening!!
Some of the activities are:
Card making
Round table sharing
Guided visualisation
Simple movement exercise (seated or standing)
Breakout rooms and community sharing